If your body is the temple of your soul, your house is the temple of your body, therefore you should treat it with creativity to inspire your daily life: make of your house an
interior design gallery and keep it always alive.
Varden is an interesting and glam item. The skull has been adopted lately as a fashion symbol but there are much more significant meanings behind his development and the creation of artistic replicas of it. Throughout history skulls have been depicted by different societies and cultures, with many different meanings and symbolisms, which have been changing during the pass of the time, either positive or negative, it all depends on the meaning you want to give to the icon.
They have important connotations in many religions. The concept of ‘
memento mori’, that reminds us all, that this material life is transitory. In many cultures of Latin America and Asia is a symbol of renovation and of a brand new start. It is also been adopted as a symbol of luck.
Designed by Alessandro La Spada and Samuele Mazza, it is sized 12 x 20 h 19 cm.
The material that have been used for crafting this amazing item of design, has been selected between the best components all over the world. The
Murano glass is an estimated elite good, for its
Italian origin, for the traditional hard hand-crafting process that stands behind it, and for its peerless beauty.